We made 50 different fractal presets, with 5 basic formulas with full working colors based on iteration number and smooth adjusting sliders for a clean fractal parameter tweaking.
Pack includes:
50 Fractals presets for Cinema 4d.
5 tweakable formulas for any Octane 2019+ plugin.
2 hours of tutorials.
OSL Gradient script.
Universal Material for Vectron object .
Presets overview.
Blender for Octane scene files and examples.
Support, if you have any questions, mail us!
2024 Update:
Adapted all OSL scripts to support latest Octane versions (2023-2024).
Added 3 new formulas.
Added new Presets with 2024 formulas.
For a smooth fractal tweaking experience
Loopable parameters
Seamless loop your animations with the Mandelbulb and Amazing Surf formulas
What we cover in the tutorials:
Setting up vectron in Cinema 4d, loading formulas.
Basic knowledge about the Vectron object.
Tweaking fractal parameters.
Iteration number and detail.
Vectron material, OSL and gradient script.
Material based on iteration number.
Render time optimization.
Endless exploration
3D Fractals are endless and things go wild with any parameter tweaking.
With our tutorial you’ll learn how to explore these big boys without any fear!
In mathematics, the AMAZINGBOX is a fractal with a boxlike shape found by Tom Lowe in 2010. It is defined in a similar way to the famous Mandelbrot set as the values of a parameter such that the origin does not escape to infinity under iteration of certain geometrical transformations. The mandelbox is defined as a map of continuous Julia sets, but, unlike the Mandelbrot set, can be defined in any number of dimensions. It is typically drawn in three dimensions for illustrative purposes.
"AMAZING SURFACE" it's Luca GN's (DARK BEAM) implementation of an original idea by Kali, that's the original Amazing Box formula but with 2D boxfold.Produces great organic shapes with some rotations and rocky landscapes.
Our formula has iteration driven colors, to make every detail “pop” with a different material.
Sin bulb is a variation from the classic Mandelbulb, we used this amazing fractal in our VJ loop “Folding Kraken“ and also in many stills.
The Mandelbulb is a three dimensional manifestation of the Mandelbrot set. It is an infinitely complex, naturally occurring fractal object.
The Mandelbulb was discovered by Daniel White and Paul Nylander, and developed collaboratively in the Fractal Forums community. These individuals set out to find a three-dimensional equivalent of the Mandelbrot set, and they found what they were looking for.
Using a spherical coordinate system, and some ingenious math, White and Nylander projected the Mandelbrot set into three dimensions, creating the Mandelbulb. In 3D-space, we see a more fully realized rendering of the Mandelbrot set. While the flat set exhibits infinite complexity, the Mandelbulb reveals that complexity in a fuller magnitude.
The Mandelbulb is an archetypal fractal form, embodying principles of deterministic chaos. The Mandelbrot set is the “most complex object on the complex number plane” but arises from a simple formula, commonly expressed as Z = Z² + C
The Mandelbulb formula in included in the free version of Vectron for octane(witch you can get here), we added some more parameters to tweak and material support based on iteration number, to get different materials on every iteration.
FREE! Blender Vectron sample setup for Octane 2020
We made a free setup for Blender & Octane, you can test out Vectron and explore the basic Mandelbulb fractal.
Download Blender OctaneRender® edition for free on OTOY website
Activate Octane Server
Run Blender OctaneRender